Located at a key river crossing, KPSP03 focused on environmental infrastructure to address issues surrounding flooding and waste. It included numerous income-generating amenities and critical services such as a school and health clinic. Sadly the site no longer exists due to the installation of a city sewer line in 2016.
KPSP03 site existing conditions
KPSP03 is located in Gatwekera Village, along a key pedestrian access point across the Ngong River.
Local residents identified challenges such as frequent flooding and the fact that several drainage channels and latrines flowed into the area. However, the existing bridge meant the site had a lot of potential.
Community workshop
After selecting the site through an RFP process, we conducted community workshops to design solutions to the flood and waste disposal challenges, and explore micro-enterprise opportunities at the site.
Expanding an economic program from KPSP02, the community center was constructed using soil-stabilized bricks manufactured by local community members.
Laundry pad at completed site
The site incorporated formal drainage channels, circulation bridges and a riverbank gabion system to control flooding and waste-flow into the area.
Income-generating and social amenities at the site included a poultry farm, laundry pad, community centre with a school and a health clinic, playground, and kiosks for business owners.
KPSP03 poultry shed
Operational from 2012, the KPSP03 site was well used by residents.
Sadly, the main structures in the project were removed in 2016 to make way for a new main sewer line. KDI is in conversation with the community about rebuilding some of the former site components.