KDI partnered with Public Health Advocates (PHA) on an advocacy project that aimed to move policy in Colton and Placentia toward a more holistic view of parks and open spaces. Based on the concept of a “complete park” we engaged community members to understand how a parks system could work for everyone.
Map of crime density in the City of Placentia
The Complete Parks model combines seven elements - from safety measures to programming - intended to make parks accessible and enjoyable for everyone.
By tailoring the Complete Parks model to meet specific community priorities, KDI and PHA sought to provide the Cities of Colton and Placentia with a roadmap for upgrading their parks.
Deployment of a research beacon in Placentia
To understand which elements of the Complete Parks model they prioritized, KDI engaged community members through research beacons, workshops, and surveys.
We identified the diverse concerns and conditions surrounding park access, safety, programming, and engagement. Community input was then worked into tailored Complete Parks Resolutions for the cities to pass.
Children give their input on a Complete Park
The Complete Parks Resolutions that KDI and PHA crafted with community input place an emphasis on safety, with residents highlighting real and perceived security issues as their priority.
Once the motions pass, this will result in parks that are better lit, more open, and more actively programmed to increase feelings of security.
Stakeholder workshop in Placentia
The Complete Parks Resolutions will result in parks that work better for all users in Colton and Placentia, and have also demonstrated to City officials the value of incorporating community input into park planning.
The project also catalyzed a new, statewide effort to promote community-engaged equitable park design in partnership with PHA.